20.4.2006 | 18:47
famous all over.....
My fame is rising....you might even say that i'm a rising star! And that's the reason i'm writing in english, 'cause I have fans all over the world! Soon you'll see my face in the tabloids: " Inam seen in Buda bar, said no to Johnny Deep when he asked for her phonenumber"
Or maybe not, might me getting just a little bit to cocky here.....let me rephrase it; Writing in english, 'cause english is soooo this season! That's more like it and talking english is also very this season, let's hope it won't go out of fashion 'cause we might get in to trouble when it would come to communication between countries! Know what I'm saying!
My tests are coming up and I'm not up for them! So what to do:
1. Skip them and start working in a supermarket
2. Kick my lazy ass and start studying
3. Smooth talk the teachers or manipulate them
What do you people think..... don't be shy to comment!
Later aligator
Or maybe not, might me getting just a little bit to cocky here.....let me rephrase it; Writing in english, 'cause english is soooo this season! That's more like it and talking english is also very this season, let's hope it won't go out of fashion 'cause we might get in to trouble when it would come to communication between countries! Know what I'm saying!
My tests are coming up and I'm not up for them! So what to do:
1. Skip them and start working in a supermarket
2. Kick my lazy ass and start studying
3. Smooth talk the teachers or manipulate them
What do you people think..... don't be shy to comment!
Later aligator
uhh jeg troede at det var dansk som var denne sæson! dumme jeg!!
inam kostur 1 og 3 eru ógissla kúl en góða besta taktu kost 2, hann gefur þér svo mikið!!! hahaha
malla (IP-tala skráð) 20.4.2006 kl. 19:29
Þú ert heppin að ég sé svona ógeðslega fokking góð í ensku, því það er ekkert skemmtilegra en að fá komment frá SöruGústa!!;) En ég segi númer 3 sko!! Eða nei ég veit það ekki annars, hafðu 3 kannski til vara og veldu 2. Jebb, það er kúl!
SaraGústa (IP-tala skráð) 20.4.2006 kl. 20:13
það skiptir engu máli hvað þú velur snúlla.... ÞÚ verður alltaf this season....
knús audur
audur (IP-tala skráð) 20.4.2006 kl. 22:07
hmm...tough choice...viltu ekki bara go with the flow?
Ragnhildur (IP-tala skráð) 24.4.2006 kl. 20:28
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.