26.4.2006 | 13:41
I might as well.....
write in english 'cause I look so much like a foreigner! Let me tell you the story and you can gasp in disbelieve!
As I was walking on a rather cloudy day, yesterday to tell the truth, I looked through my pockets and found out that I was running out of cigarettes. With horny electropopmusic in my ears I decided to stop to buy some ziggis! My mood wasn't the best that cloudy day and when the mood is swinging, cigarettes are something you need otherwise people around you are in great danger. I walked into this small sjoppa that's been on laugarvegur for ages and the lady was talking to a man (who I know is a bum). Anyway, electropopmusic out of ears and I ask this lady, who has too much makeup on and too rough voice for a pack of marlboro's! And.....she looks at me smiling and says with her whiskyvoice: "How good you speak icelandic" (in icelandic).
"Well, I've been living here since I was four so that's no wonder" I said, with my lips close to each other, trying to stop nasty words.
And that lady who's never done anything but serve cola, candy, hot dogs and cigarettes says without even thinking: "Well, I just think it's always nice to hear foreigners speak so good icelandic"
WHAT, excuse me missy, I'm pretty sure my icelandic is better than yours, wanna compete, wanna bet, wanna fight. But i didn't say any of it, I just stared, took my marlboro and walked out, shocked! Honestly, wake up guys, we have a very stupid woman working down town, stop her before she does something she'll regret!
With love
The foreigner
As I was walking on a rather cloudy day, yesterday to tell the truth, I looked through my pockets and found out that I was running out of cigarettes. With horny electropopmusic in my ears I decided to stop to buy some ziggis! My mood wasn't the best that cloudy day and when the mood is swinging, cigarettes are something you need otherwise people around you are in great danger. I walked into this small sjoppa that's been on laugarvegur for ages and the lady was talking to a man (who I know is a bum). Anyway, electropopmusic out of ears and I ask this lady, who has too much makeup on and too rough voice for a pack of marlboro's! And.....she looks at me smiling and says with her whiskyvoice: "How good you speak icelandic" (in icelandic).
"Well, I've been living here since I was four so that's no wonder" I said, with my lips close to each other, trying to stop nasty words.
And that lady who's never done anything but serve cola, candy, hot dogs and cigarettes says without even thinking: "Well, I just think it's always nice to hear foreigners speak so good icelandic"
WHAT, excuse me missy, I'm pretty sure my icelandic is better than yours, wanna compete, wanna bet, wanna fight. But i didn't say any of it, I just stared, took my marlboro and walked out, shocked! Honestly, wake up guys, we have a very stupid woman working down town, stop her before she does something she'll regret!
With love
The foreigner
Já þetta var kannski ekki alveg besti tíminn fyrir ljóskuna að tjá sig :S
En er búin að setja þig inná aðrar bloggsíður beibí ;)
irismist (IP-tala skráð) 29.4.2006 kl. 01:56
Dísús, þvílík ókurteisi í sjoppublókinni. Og vá þvílík sjálfsstjórn að segja ekkert við hana, sem var kannski bara ágætt á hana:)
kv.Helga Maggs;)
helga maggs (IP-tala skráð) 29.4.2006 kl. 23:20
o my god!?!
ragnhildur smagnhildur (IP-tala skráð) 3.5.2006 kl. 21:55
Ég vil fá nýja færslu. Takk;)
Sólveig (IP-tala skráð) 4.5.2006 kl. 15:52
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.