stop before sun

We made it to Copenhagen.....somehow! After accidentally going "a little" bit out on wednesday we woke up aproxametly two hours after what was planned. You can imagin me....stressball of the month, running around, swearing, running some more and basically having a nervous brakedown. Postoffice, printing stuff, packing the rest of the stuff and then all of a sudden Sandra Lif was at the door: "fuck...we're not ready, shit we haven't called a taxi....crap".

Made it to the airport, fridas bags half open because of a wallet emergency! Wallet found...nerves settling a bit. Checked in with around 100.000 bags (I had three and so did frida). And then finally on the this time the nerves were more or less in the relaxed state....until I realised...crapster....forgot my jumper and some cream. Took three deep breaths: "I'll live without them, no worries"

The trip from the airport to Frida's place was without major shock...well except for the fact that the buses were on strike (i was not complaning, this way we could take a taxi), but travelling with 6 bags and a little bit of tømmermand is something I dont wish to do again. I dont get how people can travel around with a whole bunch of kids!

So now we're packing our bags....dresses, small t-shirts, capoeira things, sunglasses (how many should i bring) and the things you need for beaches and sun. Yesterday we were looking at some trips to the Amazona....ullala, I'm excited but I'll probably be walking around with tons of insect repellent and be totally paranoid because of all those parasites that I spent so long reading about. Ugh....maybe there will be a worm that goes under my skin and makes a house...ugh.

So, I guess next time I'll write I'll have some tan and overexcited about the whole brazil thing!!

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1 identicon

Góða ferð ástin mín! Mundu hvað við töluðum um!! ;) Hlakka til að heyra allar tan sögurnar:)

Íris (IP-tala skráð) 5.2.2011 kl. 12:34

2 identicon

Er ekki kominn tími á fréttir frá BRAZIL???

Íris (IP-tala skráð) 11.2.2011 kl. 21:54

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